- Trialogue and Regularization: reappraisal of an abortive experience   click here to open paper content21 kb
by    Almi, Saïd | almi.said@wanadoo.fr   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
Two traditions clash in matters of urban development: negotiated agreements and planning theories. Trialogue offers to analyse their confrontation. The paper refers to the situation in Algiers between 1929 and 1939 and recalls approaches: Alberti and Cerda.
Stemming from the Cornudet law of 14th March 1919, the ''PAEE'' development plans (''Plans d'aménagement, d'embellissement et d'extension'') were made applicable in Algeria in 1922 and 1925. They were the work of a group practitioners and men of reflection incarnated by Henri Prost and his team and animated by a spirit of regularization applied in the Marocan cities under Lyautey.

This regularization consisted of transforming urban space without upsetting the existing structures. It made the notions of compromise and dialogue its credo. To the general rules applicable to all of the cities, special arrangements were introduced when applied to each urban space. This approach distinguishes itself from
- functionalist theories (born from the triple will of efficiency, productivity and separation of urban functions and so being indifferent to ancestral heritage) and
- ''culturalist'' theories (dominated by nostalgia for ancient cultural communities and by the idea of an organisation spread out at intervals in space),
such planning also finding fields of application in the Algerian colonial cities.

Trialogue, innovation and the barrier of regulations : these are the three main poles of discussion among members of the French delegation in preparation for this congress. They are also manifest in the two principles ''general rules and special arrangements'' that were characteristic of the process of regularization and as such are a modern expression which, in retrospect, make regularization worthy of rereading.

Regularization can be situated in the direct line of the tradition born of the negotiated agreements by the Italian humanist Leone Battista Alberti in his work ''De re aedeficatoria'' (1485), in which he places organisation of space as an autonomous discipline and in which he accords dialogue between the architect and the sponsor a key position, this being opposite to the planning theory inaugurated by the ''Teoria general de la urbanizacion'' de Cerdà (1867).

Trialogue Regularization Threaties Theories
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