- The convivial Region “Vosges-Ardennes“    click here to open paper content349 kb
by    Vaillant, Philippe | vailphil@orange.fr   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
The north-eastern region of France (Vosges-Ardennes), situated between the highly developed Rhine and Paris regions, is lacking a strong vision capable of federating local initiatives. The “Trialogue”, as an organic tool, could facilitate the emergence of both long term and short term visions for this potentially strong region.
1 - Long term vision for “Vosges-Ardennes”
The long term vision for north eastern France conjugates the three realities of the trialogue, underlining values as the link that cements them together. This region, place of birth of European institutions, can continue to innovate so as to become a transnational European region.
2 - The trialogue applies at all scales of the territory
The study of the potential region takes into account presentations at the ISoCaRP congresses of 2003 and 2004 referring to the “convivial region”. The criteria and experiences will be developed with reference to three scales of comparison, analyse and prospective : 32000, 2000 and 125 km2.
3 - The trialogue applies to all functions
The trialogue is the tool for the articulation of economic, social and political functions and so for the synthesis of sectorial approaches. Such a synthesis will be detailed for the “Vosges-Ardennes” region.
4 – The scales of the agglomeration, the county and the municipality
A strong regional vision lends support to imaginative proposals for dilapidated rural areas as also for traditional industrial areas in profound mutation. These include the predominantly rural area around Luneville and the ex coal mining area of Moselle Est. The development of the TGV and regional rail interchange of Louvigny-Vandières will give form to an overall vision that has so far been lacking.
5 – Improved methodology
The trialogue could be generalised as an approach to local development under condition of placing man and the quality of relationships at the heart of the process. A deepening of presuppositions will be sketched out according to the organic approach of the scientific and philosopher Whitehead.
region, crossboundary, renovation, postindustriel, rural, TGV
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