- Smart Growth: Answer to urban Sprawl?    click here to open paper content378 kb
by    Heyning, Helena | hheyning@xs4all.nl   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
Three intercontinental examples of ‘smart growth’ are compared, with ‘real time’ planning examples at national, regional and local level as well as the impact of different cultural backgrounds.
In many western countries there is a growing concern that urban development patterns –dominated by what is called ‘suburban sprawl’ or just ‘sprawl’- are no longer in the long-term interest of the metropolitan areas, cities and villages and their citizens, nor in the interest of the surrounding landscape, including rural areas and nature.

Managing growth has become a balancing act, a choice between new employment locations in the suburbs or in the city, the abandoning of ‘brownfields’ versus eating up open land.
In some countries the answer to this dilemma is the policy of ‘smart growth’.

In the case study three intercontinental examples of ‘smart growth’ will be compared as well as the adoption in practise and the physical outcome with ‘real time’ planning examples on national, regional and local level. The impact of different cultural backgrounds on the planning and the planning system will be discussed as well as instrumental aspects (tools).
Smart growth, urban sprawl, 'real time' planning examples on different planning levels, cultural backgrouns, tools.
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