- City Growth with urban Sprawl and Problems of Management for sustainable Urbanization 171 kb | by Rahman, Golam & Alam, Nurul & Alam, Deanna | grahman_dhk@yahoo.com |
Short Outline |
Proper planning and management of urban growth may ensure sustainable urbanization, and arrest urban sprawl. |
Abstract |
Creation of sustainable environment for healthy living, good human relationships and social integration are essential elements to be achieved in development of cities. Orderly distribution of urban utilities and infrastructure are necessary for an efficient and integrated functioning.
Urban growth is directed through deliberate control of urban development and urban management. In reality, regulation and control can not often check the undesirable urban development and use of limited space leading to what is known as the urban sprawl. Taking the process of development of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh in consideration, the initial growth started without a specific development plan and unplanned development followed.
The unrestrained physical form in an elongated shape with no regular borderline and encroachment on the rural agricultural land in an often haphazard way create social and economic implications on internal as well as adjacent external regions.
Subsequently, development of the city was directed under a deliberately prepared urban development plan to serve the national goals. But it was observed that urban sprawl did not stop. The reasons were improper planning, failure of matching demands of additional population due to the high rate of urbanization. Therefore, harmful effects of urban sprawl can be avoided through properly planned and regulated land development according to the rate of urbanization and allocating space to appropriate uses along the major arterial roads so that desirable economic effects on adjacent rural areas redial to the spinal roads, may be achieved. The experiences from the growth of the Dhaka city and continuation of urban sprawl in spite of deliberate efforts to follow the policy of urban growth without sprawl, gives direction to the option of devising means and techniques to achieve planned development avoiding the urban sprawl. The policy of urban growth without sprawl may not be followed in absolute terms. |
Keywords |
Planning, Management |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2008: Urban Growth without Sprawl
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