- Xaman Ha City, an Answer to the poor Growth and spread Population    click here to open paper content811 kb
by    Ordońez Cervantes, Juan Felipe & Cano, Juan Carlos & Vera, Paloma & Sŕnchez, Hessner & Andrade, Ferměn, | juanfelipeordonez@gmail.com   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
An alternative response to the poor growth and spread of developing cities; an economic self-sufficient center growth accessible to low-income population; and a sustainable city model as an answer to housing needs.
The poor growth and spread of cities, and especially the tourism development in the Yucatan peninsula and the population centre of Playa del Carmen with a growth rate of 10.5% (the highest in Latin America) with the highest percentage of floating population, and the need of housing for workers in the area, are the main reasons for developing the city of Xaman Ha, looking generate an accelerated economically self-supply center growth, approaching to low-income population.
Having a proposal that responds to the sustainability concept, a model that encompasses the economic aspect (security, jobs and investment), social aspect (including social and gender) and the environmental aspect (care of non-renewable resources and use of renewable) and above all caring relationship between each of the points to make it a winner economic self sustainable outline, seeking union between the municipality and the population.
The proposal expects to build an expansion center to Playa del Carmen, with flexible and sustainable housing, as well as being a link between Playa del Carmen and other tourist destinations.
To achieve this, development must be integrated into the existing ecosystem, recycling and transforming trash, injecting water bodies, taking renewable energy and preserving vegetation, in addition to seize materials and construction methods in the region for the development of a progressive housing, emphasizing in public spaces and an identity feeling and sense of belonging through the generation of neighborhoods.
Having a pedestrian city, where urban services, public spaces and urban equipment are in a pedestrian distance and surrounded by green.
Taking all these concepts to generate an autonomous region, “a green city”, “a water city” and a “pedestrian city”, always economically accessible to the lower resources population.
economically self-supply center , sustainable city, accessible to the lower resources population
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