- Rush to become “globally relevant”- culture based development as a significant factor towards sustainable urbanization (Gdansk Case) 855 kb | by Kamrowska-Zaluska, Dorota & Kaczorowska-Fudala, Anna | dorotakamrowska@hotmail.com |
Short Outline |
The paper shows possibilities and barriers as well as attempts to implement culture based development in Gdansk. It can play a significant role in preventing uncontrolled suburban residential development and further spatial polarization of the city. |
Abstract |
Decline or stagnation of city centers have resulted in increased dynamic social and spatial polarization, underscored by uncontrolled suburban residential development and rising infrastructure costs. Old hierarchy of economic, spatial and administrative planning system collapsed. The new paradigm of development is based more on the “borderless network” of economy and society than territorially arranged systems. Clearly the jump into rapid urbanization is confronted by contemporary shifts and global challenges. Often in the rush to become “globally relevant” cities forget about realistic aspirations of citizens, capacity for innovation and ability to build appropriate public infrastructure. Culture can play an active role in economic development and can take part in improving the competitiveness of cities. The analysis of temporary city development indicates many theoretical models to demonstrate the current nature and the relationship between culture and economy components. In Gdansk here are several programs, where culture can be a kick-off for revitalization programs, such as Hevelianum – science and educational center in old Napoleon fortifications or community art and culture center “Laznia” (significant success in integrated local population and fighting social exclusion). The other example is Gdańsk Music and Congress Center, situated on the Ołowianka Island in innercity close to the Main Town and medieval heart of the city. The new seat of Polish Baltic Philharmonics will strengthen its metropolitan character. In the long term thinking the most important bout is to increase the attractiveness of this part of the city, the economic and social degradation of which has already started. The role of culture based development is nowadays more distinct in European cities. The paper shows possibilities and barriers as well as attempts of its implementation in Gdansk. Moreover, if it is carefully planned can play a significant role in preventing urban sprawl and encouraging sustainable development. |
Keywords |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2008: Urban Growth without Sprawl
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