- About metropolitan Space, data Processing and Self-Sufficiency 1923 kb | by Listowski, Alicia | alicia.listowski@wanadoo.fr |
Short Outline |
The paper is divided into two parts: 1. interventions in an existing town 2. new town with all the implications the new technologies allow. |
Abstract |
Two situations are obviously concerned by the study : 1. Interventions in an existing Town 2. A New Town with all the implications the new technologies allow.
PRELIMINARY In the way of progress arriving with the scientific research in no-polluting processes in industry and energy production we have to review : - the extent of urban territory - the prior definition of a Town
In history, not about the town growing spontaneously, but the very premeditate formal pattern and social fondation - as an urban concept developping the perfect pre-established harmony – see Hippodamos.
ABOUT A CONTAINED TOWN IN A TEMPERED SPACE With, at first, the definition of its countenance : 1. social 2. politics – national, regional or departmental institutions 3. the subsistence of the common life divided in two categories : A. physical qualities B. economic qualities
A. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 1. easily accessible lodging 2. health service 3. teaching, from the very firs to the highest level 4. distribution of goods 5. leisures : a. each day pleasures b. exceptional events
B. ECONOMIC QUALITIES 1. City head office 2. governemental representation ( state, region ) 3. employment Various forms of productivity a. serving directly the inhabitants b. on the regional scale c. national and international trade
C. PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF THE URBAN TERRITORY Preliminary definition of the urban scale (numerical). The urban concept is based on all knowlegde we have about the borderless production of energy using new technologies, for water and air as well. It surpress and abolish the frontiers between the various activities and limit the distances witch separe them by a long tradition. By definition we are speaking here about a large Town. Different cases appear A. Intervention in an strongly urbanized town : Here we have three different kinds of medical (surgical) interventions : 1. Plastic surgery - embellishment – see: improvement in looks 2. Orthopedical surgery – interventions in structure 3. Gastro and intestinal surgery – modifying fonctions to be studied, case by case, theories don’t apply to existing urban situation where we have to contain and to densify the already very dense. We will enumerate here some fondamental elements in planning : - functions, - metropolitan space - programming and its limits and, first, the view point on the self-sufficiency - changing caracter of function’s urban and architectural expression, - “rational” implentations and its instability - capacity of adaptation or adjustment to the new conditions (way of life, production) - planning and its variety as the insurance against daily excessiv migrations - system of public transportation – traveling by rail ( street-level, underground or elevated ) - the association or twin location in production and decisional functions - the disappearance of the old division of functions by a generalised usage of all the new anti-pollution technologies - the generalised introduction of the scientific research in the field of no-polluting energy – the only way to shorten distances and to surpress the very (too) long way between the merchandise, goods and its consumers – with no restriction, from the largest to the smallest – from the energy for a metropolitan space to the smallest bowl of rice. The new form of concentration, thanks to the new technologies will definitely not resemble or look like the functional divisions due to old technology of production where the old-fashioned industrial answers are out of fashion.
A.L. Paris 1 April 2008
Keywords |
metropolitan space |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2008: Urban Growth without Sprawl
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