- The way toward a Green City - the Case of Shenzhen 948 kb | by Wu, Haojun | wuhaojun2006@gmail.com |
Short Outline |
The paper tries to interpret Shenzhen's experience in shaping a green city, by focusing on three different contents of urban planning in Shenzhen - Urban Structure, Land Use and Intensity. |
Abstract |
Shenzhen is a new border city with only 30 years history in South China, at the same time, Shenzhen is a mage but green city with population of 12 million people. The per capita GDP of Shenzhen in2008 has achieved to 10000 US Dollars, the Top.1 in China. While the success of urban development in Shenzhen could be mainly attributed to the booming of market-led economy in China and preferential policies Shenzhen enjoyed as an Economy Zone, urban planning also plays a great role in creating such a miracle. Three different contents of urban planning in Shenzhen--Urban Structure, Land Use and Intensity¡ªare identified to interpret how urban planning attributed to the creation of a mage but green city.
The Paper could be divided into 3 parts. Part 1 is about urban evolution of Shenzhen. As Shenzhen is a planned city developed under the regulation of its comprehensive plans, a simple but effective way to understand urban evolution of Shenzhen is to check its historical comprehensive plans. Shenzhen has 3 comprehensive plans since 1978 to 2008. In this part, the 3 historical comprehensive plans are introduced to reappear how a growable linear urban structure was selected and carried out in practice. In details, the contexts of its three comprehensive plans are pointed out, their main contents are described and their impacts on Shenzhen current urban structure are interpreted.
In Part 2, the regulations of land use and intensity in Shenzhen are analyzed. As the regulations of land use and intensity are provided in statutory planning, the goals and principles of statutory planning are listed firstly, especially mixed use principle and high floor area ratio in the areas nearby metro stations principle. Two urban development projects are selected to identify how the goals and principles of statutory are implemented in practice: One is the CBD project and the other is Hua qiang project, a mixed use area in Shenzhen. Both the two development projects are used to certify Shenzhen¡¯s effective work in creating a compact city.
At the end of the paper, some problems are discussed in the practice of Shenzhen, including the dilemma between the traditional planning institution system and the quick development of market-led economy, the conflicts between current urban development policies and its 10 million rural immigrants in Shenzhen, and so on. All the problems are continuously disturbing the government of Shenzhen and planners in creating a green and sustainable city. While some new plans have implemented in Shenzhen to alleviate these problems, the effects are still in doubt. |
Keywords |
Shenzhen, Urban Structure,Land Use, Linear City, Compact City |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2009: Low Carbon Cities
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