- Climate change: integrated strategies - Case study Munich, Germany 1318 kb | by Reiss-Schmidt, Stephan | stephan.reiss-schmidt@muenchen.de |
Short Outline |
For low carbon cities, integrated, not sectoral strategies are needed for mitigation and adaptation - connected with spatial, economic and social aspects. The case of Munich, Germany shows an integrated approach and how to implement it. |
Abstract |
Climate change is one of the most challenging questions for a sustainable urban and regional development. For too long a time, questions of climate change have been treated mostly by experts in climatology, ecology, energy-efficiency etc. Sectoral policies and a huge number of pilot projects nevertheless proved not to be sufficient for mitigation and adaptation strategies on local and regional level. Integrated strategies are needed, closely connected with spatial, economic and social strategies of urban and regional development. Not only land use planning, but also energy-production and -distribution, mobility and transport, urban renewal and the life styles and social situation of citizens have to be considered, as well as urban agriculture and infrastructures for waste water treatment, water supply, storm water protection etc. The case study shows, why and how the City of Munich, Germany (1.4 mio. inhabitants) started an integrated strategy for a low carbon city. As part of the integrated development strategy PERSPECTIVE MUNICH, last year a new guideline “Climate change and energy” was approved by city council. During the year 2009, based on this guideline, an integrated action programme to reduce carbon dioxide production in Munich by 50% until 2030 will be worked out, following the rules of the EU-“Convenant of Mayors” in Brussels 2008. The following questions and aspects will be discussed in the paper: - Outline and elements of an integrated strategy - The role of urban development planning, integration of contradictory goals - Planning and discussion process, involvement of NGOs and civil society - Legal and economic framework, cooperation with other tiers (EU, Federation, State) - Need for new planning tools and legal instruments - Spatial, social and cultural implications of low carbon cities - Examples for projects in several fields of action - Lessons learned. |
Keywords |
Strategy, integrated urban/regional development, process and actors, examples for projects,Munich |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2009: Low Carbon Cities
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