- Integrating Major Short-term Events and Sustainable Urban Development: Towards a Conceptual Framework    click here to open paper content77 kb
by    Kammeier, H. Detlef | kammeier@asianet.co.th   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
The paper aims to conceptualize a broad range of “events” on the demand side, and options for dealing with them on the supply side of urban development; examples added.
Any multi-sector planning exercise essentially implies anticipating changes and managing them as best as possible. Sometimes, this amounts to inducing (desirable) changes, but also, preventing undesirable ones, or even – as in disaster-preparedness work – making preparations for nearly unpredictable (and unwanted) changes. Urban development implies continuous chains of events that lead to changes in the built environment as well as in the institutional setting. The scale of such events ranges from small to large (in terms of costs and impacts), and their periodicity from frequent and regular to infrequent and even unique. It is obviously easier to be prepared for routine events than for larger and infrequent ones, not to speak of unique “big-bang” disasters, or the kind of “pulsar” effects to be dealt with in this year’s ISOCARP congress.
In all such cases, however, it should be possible to conceptualize the events and their effects (i.e., the demand side), as well as the supply-side options for dealing with the demand, or in other words, to draft a framework that emphasizes the “solution space” for interconnected issues, in order to provide support for decision-making. This is the framework for the proposed theoretical paper. The conceptual framework may be sketched out as in the table below.
It is intended to review the relevant literature, including theories and methods such as threshold theory (Koszlowski, 1960s), risk assessment, simulation and decision-support modelling. As far as possible, empirical examples will be referred to in illustrating the systematic coverage of the theme. Therefore, efforts will be made to relate the principally theoretical orientation of the paper to real planning practice, but the references to practice will not include full fledged “case studies” so as to keep the paper within readable limits.

(Table Demand side - Supply side)

Demand side questions: What type of event, what kind of demand/requirements?
- Primary facilities (sports grounds, exhibition halls)
- Secondary (service) facilities (housing)
- Transport/access facilities
- Preparation and planning
- Investment (several categories)
- Implementing the event
- Future maintenance
- Public and private sector players
- Demand on central and local governments
Other aspects:
- Induced benefits
- Hidden costs
- Carrying capacity and thresholds

Supply side considerations: How to meet the demand in a sustainable way?

Meeting hidden existing or emerging future demand, by adaptive re-use of facilities created for the event; temporary and removable facilities

Grants, loans, revenues from marketing the event itself, new revenues from facilities created; spin-off effects (positive and negative)

Ad-hoc structures based on existing frameworks and/or creating new permanent structures; temporary and permanent staff
- Risk analysis
- Simulation modelling
- Rising international expectations (standards for sports events, e.g.) vs. national/local choice in meeting the demand
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