- How does European regional development fund contribute to low-carbon cities?    click here to open paper content26 kb
by    Hermant-de Callatay, Corinne | corinne.hermant@ec.europa.eu   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
The paper will address the ways in which European cities cope with climate change and how they might be supported by the European Regional Development Fund, currently and in the post-2013 period.
Introduction: why cities and climate change?

1. Key facts about cities and climate change

2. What cities may do:
Energy-saving policies in building
Energy-saving policies in transport
Spatial planning and infrastructure
Environmental governance
Information and communication

3. The power of cities to cope with climate change: limiting factors and opportunities.

4. How may the available European funds help?
What is done so far?
What could be done?

cities, climate change, regional fund
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