- KornetCity - IT model of a business concept that reduces motor vehicle traffic in cities 356 kb | by Dimitrijevic, Maja & Grozdanic, Milica | milica.grozdanic@urbel.com |
Short Outline |
KornetCity is a system of office buildings (fully supplied with all necessary hardware and rentable software) spread all over the city, which can reduce the presence of motor vehicle traffic in cities up to 14% as well as the time that people spend commuting. |
Abstract |
KornetCity is a system of office buildings (fully Fitted Out and supplied with all necessary hardware and rentable software defined by specific demands of each user) spread all over the city, which can reduce presence of motor vehicle traffic in cities and the time which people spend commuting. Assumption is that Kornet applied on city with 1.5 million inhabitants (Belgrade Case Study), would be able to reduce the motor vehicle traffic for 8% to 14%. Giving the advantage to pedestrian traffic, instead of motor traffic which produces 65% of air pollution, Kornet could reduce air pollution for 5% to 9%. Each Kornet is designed so it could provide sufficient number of offices for local inhabitants (employed in tertiary sector and mostly using computer as their main tool) that live in radius of 10 minutes walking distance (up to 800 m diameter). This distance factor is crucial for stimulating the increase of pedestrian traffic and nullifies the need to provide parking or garage in Kornet, which reduces the re/construction costs as well. It reduces the waste of time and fossil fuels when compared to classical home - office - home route.
Developing of KornetCity should be executed in phases and in accordance with the local conditions. It would be convenient for SME, especially for startup investments. It allows the Company to stay in the same residency no matter whether the number of employees is increasing or decreasing through the time. The use of means invested in offices/hardware/software is always 100 % .
Kornet network in countryside, in distances congruent to population densities (but not inside the pedestrian zones in rural areas), creates good conditions for decentralization, allowing better opportunities for people all around the world who works in tertiary sector to find a good/better paid job out of the city. |
Keywords |
KornetCity, business concept, reduction of motor vehicle traffic, air pollution, time, re/construction costs, pedestrian traffic, SME, Kornet network, decentralization |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2009: Low Carbon Cities
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