- After the Big Jubilee of Rome, Urban Politics for Tourism 25 kb | by Paola Nicoletta, Imbesi | imbesi2@libero.it |
Short Outline |
Pulsar cities and politics to increase tourism in reply of the importance that event take on urban transformation: the new Urban Plan of Rome facing the theme of tourist planning as an integrate part of urban strategies. |
Abstract |
The big Jubilee of the 2000 has represented a typical pulsar effect for the city of Rome: many infrastructural interventions and urban restyling of historical monumental estate have broaded considerable the panel of touristic receptivity. However the valuation of permanent effects of these transformation on the city has been scarce and difficult. In fact today the city has a new opportunity of reply for the tourism demand, in comparison with the one of the other big European city, but it doesn’t seam to have suitable politics and strategies capable of account permanent effects tie to this flow on economic and roman society. What is emerging with strength is the hold of conscience of the importance that the event take on in urban transformation, both under the economical and social profile. Moreover the possibility of a permanent grow of demand as touristic offer. The need to start intervention politics capable to increase activity of touristic and free time sector has been underlined from the pulsar city. In this point of view, during the processing of the new Urban general Plan of Rome (2001) it has been faced the theme of tourist activity planning as a integrate part of urban strategies. Rome, as capital of two states (The Vatican State and the Italian State), hold practically for ever many call elements, both endogenous and exogenous: largely of these are linked to the religious and historical-cultural tourism; there is a big difficulty to open to other form of tourism (affairs, health, commercial, study or research, etc.) that represents, in their complexity, the attractive feature of modern metropolis areas. The time of permanence is generally still rather low so as the opportunity of come back frequently in town seems restricted, moreover at the international level. The paper relate tell the development of the research both below methodological profile and below obtained results. It is emerging the need to know the double character of the touristic sector in its impact on the city: on one side its character of closed system with its own behaviour laws, its own reference values, its conveniences; on the other side the configuration of an open system, to the city and to its territory, that ask to value in real time conditions of offer for protecting values and consumptions of resources of which is composed. This need of subject to attentive valuations of effects the different intervention does not concern only the economical and productive implications but also and moreover the everyday life of citizen. |
Keywords |
Tourism planning |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2002: The Pulsar Effect
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