- System of Open Spaces and Territorial Planning: Towards a Sustainable Development 1289 kb | by Tardin, Raquel & Costa, Lucia | rtardin@uol.com.br |
Short Outline |
This article is a demonstration of a urbanistic method of intervention including possible project and territorial reordering strategies, based on the presupposition that the system of open spaces may be a key player in reordering the territory. |
Abstract |
This paper looks at an urbanistic method of intervention together with a demonstration of possible project and territorial reordering strategies. The method is based on the grounds that the system of open spaces may be a key player in framing and reordering the territory. On one hand, the method is not based on “occupy vs. not occupy”, but on how to frame both movements and how to respect the territory’s resources and its people. On the other hand, it launches project and policy for action strategic proposals, whether for preservation or for conscious occupation, to be able to achieve a territorial equilibrium, the possibility of integrating urban structures, equilibrating the uses of soil and preserving nature and social life.
In general, the work method aims:
1. To achieve sustainable urban development, particularly in areas not yet consolidated. 2. A systemic action aimed at urban development and its integrated resources. 3. For actions based on the open space system, such as structuring the territory in synergy with the built system. 4. For determining open areas to preserve, occupy and restructure. 5. To propose new alternatives for projects, planning and management.
Its applicability involves:
• The development of sustainable strategic urbanistic interventions. • The creation of quality landscaping parameters and quality landscaping goals to aid the proposal of intervention, its execution and follow-up. • Preparation of decision-making instruments by proposing technical arguments able to provide technical and political decisions support within the urban development process.
As a study case, the territorial unit of Barra da Tijuca and Jacarepaguá, West of the city of Rio de Janeiro, is presented. This is a powerful area concerning its open spaces and a special configuration in relation to its geographic and urban structure, as well as being an area with consolidated urban roadways that allows considering its restructuring.
The paper is organized in the following way: first, it deals with the relations between sustainability and open space system. This is followed by a discussion of open space system and territorial planning, where the method is then approached in detail and the case study is presented. The paper concludes arguing that a new approach concerning open space system is needed in order to achieve landscape sustainability.
Keywords |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2010: Sustainable City - Developing World
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