- World Sustainability and Peace – The New Nomads 118 kb | by Costa Lobo, Manuel | rnunes@civil.ist.utl.pt |
Short Outline |
The following will be discussed: 1. Sustainable regions 2. Planned societies – the World Diaphragm 3. New Nomads 4. Sustainable development – new look. |
Abstract |
With demographic increase there is a growing need for wise planning. Metrics are a important support together with image of cities. Population is more and more dependent on changing their place looking for survival conditions, for better salaries, for safety. It is time to build a strong World Diaphragm to push countries and cities towards a policy of peace – respecting Nature and looking for human solidarity. To face the great movements of migrants of today (the New Nomads), city planning has to think about other structures, urban design and other organization. The thesis is that planning is a tool to get maximum freedom without getting it from the others. This means a need of balancing freedom with organized social assistance, namely to immigrants. Cities have to get flexible structure and to accept the contribution of people himself, in order to cope with demand but abolishing illegal housing from the market within a realistic and human city planning process. |
Keywords |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2010: Sustainable City - Developing World
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