- Implementation of Spatial Plans in Serbia    click here to open paper content177 kb
by    Trkulja, Siniša | sinisa.trkulja@rapp.gov.rs   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
The program of implementation is a new type of planning document in Serbia. It was prepared for the first time in 2011 for the national spatial plan. It has three parts referring to strategic priorities, indicators for monitoring and the GIS based information system.
Implementation of spatial plans is very often the bottleneck of the planning process. Although the spatial planning practice in Serbia has around fifty years of experience in the domain of integrated planning practice, the implementation is the phase which still needs additional efforts. Formulation of plans is the phase where most of the activities from the planning process have been concentrated - analysis, formulation of objectives and planning proposals. The need for additional effort concerning the implementation of plans induced creation of a new type of document by the Law on Planning and Construction from 2009 – The Program of Implementation. This new document is conceived for the national spatial plan and for regional spatial plans, since those two types of planning documents don’t contain direct implementation measures, but they represent framework or cover documents for other plans (of special areas, of municipalities and urban plans) which are implemented directly. The first Program of implementation was adopted in 2011 for the national spatial plan. It contains three main parts – overview of strategic priorities realization through projects, guidelines for monitoring system based on indicators and model of GIS based information system for monitoring and evaluation of spatial development. Based on the Program of implementation, annual reports on spatial development are being produced. The activities concerning implementation in Serbia are being undertaken in accordance with European and other international practices, basically ESPON program and INSPIRE directive. Programs of implementation for regional spatial plans are being prepared in 2012 following the model of the Program of implementation for national spatial plan which is presented in this paper. This new type of document which is the Program of implementation should contribute to the quality of planning practice in Serbia.
spatial planning, implementation, monitoring, innovation
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