- The Dutch Approach in Making Cities 59 kb | by van der Wagt, Marijn | marijn.vander.wagt@minienm.nl |
Short Outline |
The Dutch approach of integration of all relevant aspects of land use with the help of design is the object of this paper. Best practices show how planning can accommodate economic strength and quality of life in urban regions. |
Abstract |
The Netherlands has a tradition of comprehensive integrated planning. This combines a tradition of making long term agendas, planning with the help of design and producing integrated visions on water, housing, infrastructure, nature and economy in smaller and larger regions. Municipalities use to have the lead in planning, while provinces and the State support them. Consultants are important actors in this field. The Dutch approach of integration of all relevant aspects of land use with the help of (urban, landscape and traffic) design is the object of this session. Best practices show how planning can accommodate economic strength and quality of life in urban regions. As the part of the world population that live in cities is growing, planning for sustainable, livable and economically strong cities is urgent. Economic crisis, demographic development and climate-change are causing more complexity and uncertainty. It is in cities that these challenges come together and manifest themselves spatially. At the same time, these cities are the places where people come together, creativity and innovation flourishes, and wealth is created. All this takes place on only 3% of the earth’s surface. Cities are efficient, also in an ecological sense. Demographic developments in the Netherlands are a mix of both growth and decline, aging of the population and increasing concern about health. The Dutch also face the consequences of climate change in their part of the North-West European Rhine-Meuse delta. A recent topic is the role of large scale events (for instance the Olympic Games) as a catalyst for reaching long term planning goals. Other topics are public involvement in planning and design as a tool in creating alliances. In this paper the Directorate of Spatial Development of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment will present some concrete cases in the Netherlands. The ministry is also involved in strategic planning projects in cities as New Delhi and Shenzhen and participating in the 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) “Making City” with test sites in Rotterdam, Istanbul and Sao Paulo. The paper will highlight some of the lessons learned from the Dutch Approach, as a result of policy making, international exchange and a continuous process of reflection on our own instruments. |
Keywords |
The Dutch approach in making cities |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2012: Fast Forward: Planning in a (hyper) dynamic urban context
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