- Space and Narratives: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Reading Socio- Spatial Interplays in Rapidly Urbanizing Environments   click here to open paper content2508 kb
by    Krishnamurthy, Sukanya | krishnamurthy.sukanya@gmail.com   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
One of the primary aims of this paper is to highlight the importance of
creative research methodologies particularly in dynamic urban environments,
the matrix encouraged the study to deal with observable patterns, various
historicity’s, political, economic and social productions.
The city is represented not just by its physical fabric, but also by
collective representations of various characteristics that contribute to
its making- memory, identity, forgetting, transformations, history etc.
Understanding diverse representations and systems that exists in cities is
critical both in planning and theorizing how urban spaces can be analyzed
and studied. To approach various facets of socio-spatial interplays, this
paper advocates the combining of structural theorists such as Choay,
Lefebvre and Rossi to create an empirical matrix that bridges physical and
social attributes of urban environments. The empirical matrix aims to study
various phenomena such as evolution and identity of various spaces,
memory associated space, place-making, attachment to name a few.
Bangalore, like any of the many large urban centers (or mega regions) is
living under the umbrella of economic and cultural changes that has now
become synonymous with modern India. When the developed matrix was applied
to the city of Bangalore, India it enabled the identification of sites that
were meaningful locations that people made, inhabited, visited and
participated inherently linked to the production of memory, identity and
attachment. This paper highlights new approaches to identifying spaces of
importance in rapidly urbanizing environments that are beneficial to long
term urban renewal plans and, identifying and protecting spaces of local
One of the primary aims of this paper is to highlight the importance of
creative research methodologies particularly in dynamic urban environments,
the matrix encouraged the study to deal with observable patterns, various
historicity’s, political, economic and social productions. The
interdisciplinary approach of combining various theories, empirical data
and qualitative methodology bought out nuances in an urban environment that
is currently striving to find a balance between globalized and local
expression of urban space.
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