- Issues facing urban and rural planning in Vietnam 68 kb | by Nghi, Duong Quoc | dqnghi@hn.vnn.vn |
Short Outline |
The paper discusses issues challenging urban and rural planning in Vietnam and approach to improve it |
Abstract |
In Viet Nam urban and rural planning aims at preparing plans for spatial development of cities and countrysides. After a try-and-error process it has been a well established professional field. However, the author argues that some theoretical and practical issues arised in the actual development course are not well aware and dealt with the field, thus would threat its effective role in shaping the cities and rural settlements for national development needs. The paper intends to highlight such an argument by three major contents. It deserves the first part to review the planning process as try-and-error during the last 45 years and to point out contextual problems facing the actual planning field. Then in second part it goes into discussion of emerging issues and suggestions in regard of planning approach, state and public role, and planning technology. The third conclusive part envisages desireable changes and actions in the planning system.
Keywords |
planning, issues, approach |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2003: Planning in a more globalized World
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