- Urban Regions of Mexico 561 kb | by Pérez Arellano, Mexican ND, Francesco | fperez@fpa.com.mx |
Short Outline |
A range of four practical cases from Mexico are presented here: from a large region comprising one quarter of the national population, to a small urban-rural region including the Valley of Mexico and the second largest urban concentration in the country. |
Abstract |
Mexico is a havily urbanized country with one of the largest cities of the world, various metropolitan areas and a number of medium size cities. Within its process of urbanization, urban regions habe being taking place, either naturaly or planned. On a Pre-Congress Seminar, Mexican National Delegation will study the Management of Urban Regions, dealing directly with relevant issues. Contributions will be based on practical experience, both from professinals and officials, stimulating debate upon the experience in this country on its global context. The conclutions of this Seminar will give a broad scope of the topic in Mexico. With this we aim to contribute to the overall findings of the Congrss. |
Keywords |
Mexican Urban Regions |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2004: Management of Urban Regions
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