- New methodologies for comprehensive planning of Great Resistencia Metropolitan Area - Argentina in a Crisis Context 58 kb | by Scornik, Carlos Osvaldo | scornik@arnet.com.ar |
Short Outline |
Comprehensive Planning as instrument under-used in the Resistencia Metropolitan Area. To be directed towards the overcoming previous failures and trying to transform the inertia of continuous and expensives irrationalities in the urban management of the Argentinian Littoral, we are obliged to effectively apply the Local Agenda 21 principles with a comprehensive, participative, precisely urban planning in the whole region. |
Abstract |
New methodologies for comprehensive planning of the Great Resistencia Metropolitan Area – Argentina
Arch. Carlos Osvaldo Scornik
The Great Resistencia Metropolitan Area (GRMA) made up of seven Municipalities that belong to the Chaco Province conforms, together with the city of Corrientes, a regional multimodal transport axis, an important socioeconomic and cultural center as well as an attraction pole of the underdevelopment North Eastern part of Argentina (with more than 800.000 inhabitants) and the South Cone Market (MERCOSUR).
However these favorable conditions have not been capitalized by a coherent, comprenhensive and continuous management that allows to overcome too much socio-economic and natural desasters that help to approach a true continuous process of a sustainable development.
Frustrated Attempts
The four successive attemps to territorial planning of the G.R.M.A. (in the 50’s, 60’s, 80’s and 90’s) have shown a little incidence in the improvement of productive activity as well as in quality of life standars and in the fair development of that urban setlement.
It will not be advisable to foster new plannification processes, definitions of strategics or ambitious urban initiatives if we do not evaluate with objectivity the causes that restricted or obstructed the plans and actions which, with different technical levels, were used in the region.
Processes originated by the State
The well known democratic mechanism of “Participative Budget” is part of the Organic Chart of the Resistencia Municipality, having this fact institutionalized the most proper mechanism to secur a new process of debate and to solve most difficult problems perceived by the local community.
Provincial Law Nº 5174 recently passed, creates a new Provincial System of Planning and Evaluation, although it has not been regulated yet, has permitted the beginning of “Regional Councils” works, thus generating formal channels of local and regional management, but their results cannot be judged yet.
Processes generated from community
If there is a meaningful cultural change to recognise, is the attitude of the citizens, who is one who has revealed from the traumatic argentinian socio-economic crisis of the year 2001-2002. This has promoted an important strengthening of basic organizations and expressions of the citizens. The innovator cultural process will require for flexibility, regulation, articulation and promotion of democratic mechanisms which are being demanded by local society more persistently every day.
On the other hand, we have to bear change of people’s attitude in mind and efficiency of some specific processes, produced by the new technology, new partnerships, new management instruments capacity and the innovated methodology of Strategic Planning, as long as they are property applied, thus leading the causer of the required transformations.
Comprehensive Planning as instrument underused
In the context of expectative transformations of our sufferring cities, an innovateed process of Urban and Regional Planinng is required, with a new mechanism of management, associativism and implementation of sustainable development strategies.
To be directed towards the overcoming previous failures and trying to transform the inertia of continuous and expensives irrationalities in the urban management of the Argentinian Littoral , we are obliged to apply effectively the Local Agenda 21 principles with a comprehensive, participative, precisely urban planning in all Region. |
Keywords |
methodologies for comprehensive planninginstrument underused |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2004: Management of Urban Regions
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