- Waterfront rehabilitation: a model of spatial intervention 83 kb | by Estevens, Ana | anaestevens@gmail.com |
Short Outline |
With this in mind, the goal of this paper is to analyse the waterfront rehabilitation processes in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area against the wider context of its territorial competitiveness and attractiveness. |
Abstract |
In the past, waterfront areas were primarily used as location sites for factories, industrial plants, warehouses, harbour facilities and railways and were usually very much separated from the surrounding urban fabric. However, from the mid-20th Century onwards, the emergence of new transportation technologies for containers and commodities have rendered many of these structures obsolete, thus freeing up significant riverside areas. In the wake of this process of deactivation and delocalization of the industries associated with the harbour and logistic activities, numerous cities started to intervene in these areas with the aim of restructuring and truly rediscovering them. With this in mind, the goal of this paper is to analyse the waterfront rehabilitation processes in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area against the wider context of its territorial competitiveness and attractiveness.
Keywords |
waterfront rehabilitation;Lisbon Metropolitan Area;model of spatial intervention |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2005: Making Spaces for the Creative Economy
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