- Dynamic density: towards a «creative role» in urban central place accessibility policies 224 kb | by Monardo, Bruno | bruno.monardo@uniroma1.it |
Short Outline |
Density and its metamorphosis in urban planning: from traditional meanings to recent theoretical dimensions and applicative potentialities. ''Dynamic density'' concept as an interpretation key for ''creative economy'', accessibility policies and urban diachronic evolution. |
Abstract |
Density concept and its meanings, roles, functions and use in urban planning has been focused by recent important reflections in the scientific community concerning new theoretical dimensions and applicative potentialities in disciplinary practices. Urban planning is searching new strategic co-ordinates: it’s necessary to overcome the “static conception” of the city, pursuing a new “relational space” and progressing towards the dynamic dimension related to the complex relationships between land uses and urban flows, asymmetrically located in space and time. The polysemous and ambiguous concept of density is clearly argued by the French school position (Certu 2002), underlying four possible interpretations referred both to historical-reconstructive path and modern evolution (the “hygienist”, ''the psycho-sociological”, ''the physical-geographic” and ''juridical-economic” dimension). But contemporary urban dynamics are following innovative ways according to emerging contemporary life-styles. Recent studies and experiences in Europe (Lille, Amsterdam, London,Rimini, Milan) are based on relationship between “time factor” and city-users gravitation around central places. The issue is about observation of the complex «city users» trajectories, superimposing on the commuting pressure of traditional actors in urban scene (residents, students, workers, usual visitors, etc.). Focus is on observation and evaluation of «''Brownian movements''» traced by molecular paths belonging to a caleidoscopic plurality of people pulsing and pressing on urban public and private attracting poles. Starting from the increasing importance of apparently erratic trips in urban daily mobility (about 65% in advanced economies according to OCDE) it’s almost physiological to validate the concept of ''diachronic density'', searching for models and parameters able to represent the dynamic dimension (nearly instantaneous) of the city. |
Keywords |
density, time, mobility, accessibility |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2005: Making Spaces for the Creative Economy
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