- The city redesigning its economy by marketing strategies 247 kb | by Moreira De Marchi, Polise | polise@uol.com.br |
Short Outline |
One of the challenges of the cities is to act as a protagonist in the economic scene, making clear their aims, taking into account the opportunities of the economic environment, controlling the situation by making things happen rather than waiting for things happen. The cities must have a proactive approach. |
Abstract |
Nowadays, the cities get stronger, like polarising centers of new economies, increasing their economic independence in the nacional context. From recipients of the national and statual government’s economic policy, the cities must develop their role in atracting resources that allow their social, economic and political balance as well as their excellence in administration and the permanet search of promoting quality of life to their citizens. Where can cities find these resources? In the Market. Thus, one of the challenges of the cities is to act as a protagonist in the economic scene, making clear their aims, taking into account the opportunities of the economic environment, controlling the situation by making things happen rather than waiting for things happen. The cities must have a proactive approach. A political activity of innovation must have a plan focus-oriented to the market as instrument for dealing with the territorial developing strategies, because it allows the municipal manager to have a clear identification of the citizen-clients and the market wishes, as well as a mean of establishing how to get to the satisfaction of these wishes. By innovative strategies of market, the territorial politics will be able to combine forces among local power, private sector and community. Efficient strategies of market consist of balancing the competition processes between the diverse territories of the city by means of knowledge of its sectors of market, regarding a gradual sustainable economic development. The Geographic Information Systems is the tool for organizing the large amount of data about how the different sectors of market are spread over a municipal territory. In this article we will approach the challenges that are settled for the cities as actors in the economic scene and will present as a case study the city of Santo André, in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The dynamics of the Santo André market was recognized by the public sector, through the organization of the information and making them available by means of a clear and direct communication action, through folders, website and a physical room, which promotes the knowledge and the valuation of the territory, facilitating the meeting among institutional actors, citizens, public sector and investors of small, medium and large enterprise from all sectors of the market.
Keywords |
economic urban strategies; consultancy firms and public sector; urban management |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2005: Making Spaces for the Creative Economy
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