- The European Cities between Shooting and Shrinking - Towards a Strategy of Inward Urban Growth (Munich Case Study)    click here to open paper content22 kb
by    Fuerstenberg, Martin | martin.fuerstenberg@t-online.de   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
The case study remembers the fact that many European Cities are in a shrinking process and reflects what the demographic and economic key factors in practice are. The study shows how to focus the strategic planning and private real estate investments on the improvement of the existing local structures and how to prevent unrealistic mega-projects by integrated Inward Urban Growth.
Objective and outline of the case:
1. to analyse the fact and the socio-economic reasons for the stagnant or even shrinking development in many Eastern and Western European metropolis since the beginning of the last decade (1990 ff.)
2. to describe unrealistic mega-projects and their never-ending planning processes as the result of new IT-technologies, global outsourcing, decreasing space demand in industries, low income in private households and the shocks on the Real Estate markets
3. to call for a new strategy of 'Inward Urban Growth', analysing several planning processes and long term experiences in Munich and other German cities by developing former military, railroad and industrial 'brownfields', restructuring city center areas for business and housing, optimizing high-density projects and preserving open urban space for parks and future demands
4. to reflect clearly, what the realistic scales and scopes of 'creative' strategic planning are and what can/cannot be done by urban planning to prevent the decreasing income, decreasing assets and decreasing welfare in shrinking cities. The intention is a deeper understanding of the changing demographic and global economic key factors and the process of integrated 'Inward Urban Growth' including private investment strategies.
Strategic planning, shrinking cities, space demand, scales and scopes of 'creative' planning
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