Title: Territorial joint planning vs disintegration forces: the case of Palestine Constructing institutions from territory
It is known that the political situation through which Palestinian people and their lands had gone through, have their wide influence on all aspects of life in Palestine. One of those aspects – produced by the Israeli-Palestine contrast and, more recently, by the construction of the separation wall – is the process of settlement and the demographic expansion, as is the growing population established in the limited and fragmented space of the Palestinian Territories. It is evident the singularity and the general interest of the Palestinian case: a territory with feeble institution today. For these reasons, the Palestinians have rarely had the opportunity to launch organized building projects and well-planned settlements. In other words, this situation generates the impossibility of management of resources: not only human, cultural and socio-economic, but also primaries (water, land, environment).
In the perspective of a Palestinian land planning or of a larger process of a joint planning (already prospected in a tentative way: see the workshop Coordinating “Israeli 2020” and “Palestine 2015”, with Palestinians, Israeli and Dutch participants), it is evident the role of the local territorial institutions into a participation process, through the individuation of appropriate stakeholders, certainly emerging from disintegrated territory and people, with the task to integrate them. In particular, the analysis and the interpretation of the physical forms (as perceived by the inhabitants) of the different kind of settlements in their evolution – rural villages, refugee camps, urban historical centres – could be the starting point forward population involvement. The scenario of a participated planning should include the cultural heritage conservation as a common identity resource.
An inter-university research developed in loco (Al-Naja, Al-Quds and Birzeit Universities) by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, whose results has been published in the journal “urbanistica pvs” n.41
Professor Dr. Federico MALUSARDI Professor of City and Regional Planning at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza, Italy. He is honouree member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Editor of ''urbanistica pvs''. He has, asVice President, been member of the ISoCaRP Executive Committee and is now ISoCaRP's official accredited representative for UNCHS (Habitat)
Dr.Cecilia SCOPPETTA Architect, PhD Town Planner, Lecturer at the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Rome, 'La Sapienza, Italy