- Privatisation of a Western Area of Mexico City, where higher Income Families live 570 kb | by Greene, Fernando | fgreene@correo.unam.mx |
Short Outline |
This paper analyzes the privatization of a major county of Mexico, deals with the effects on the circulation of people and commodities, the arrangement of urban subcenters and the cultural implications of society. |
Abstract |
From the sixties , part of the western region of Mexico City developed,this directed for middle high income and rich families with patches of low and middle income inhabitants. Growth has taken place in the remaining areas left by the sixties of 2 counties of the Federal District ,the capital of Mexico and in Huixquilucan, a county of the State of Mexico accounting for 55% of the 19 million inhabitants of the City.
The “Slice Theory” implied in the Chicago School of thought, seems to work in the understanding of where the higher income inhabitants lived , live and will live in Mexico, since a “chain of nice” neighbourhoods with more than 20 kilometers from the center of the city to its western edge are located.
The effect of growth in the last 30 years has been dramatic, nowadays,one of the major problems is security, therefore, large areas where affluent families live are beeing enclosed and new neighbourhoods respond to designs which take into account this privatization trend.
Huixquilucan with: · a population close to 300 thousand inhabitants ; · a third of its 200 square kilometers urbanized ; · an approved master plan for an urban expansion of more than 800 hectares; · many new urban developements designed with privatization schemes; · a high rate of population growth and inmigration; · the second highest per capita income in the country; and, · the highest real estate investment per square kilometer in the Nation, is a fine example of the privatization phenomena taking place.
Considering the above, the main objective of this paper is to analyze this county’s phenomena and its repercusions, focusing in the effects over circulation of people and comodities, traffic conditions, new arrangement of urban subcenters and cultural implications related to behavior of different groups of society.
Keywords |
privatization,urban space,affluent families |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2006: Cities between Integration and Disintegration
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