- A strategic Approach in creating a Vision of City Development 870 kb | by Fiedorowicz, Kazimierz & Smolarek, Malgorzata | jkmfiedorowicz@wp.pl |
Short Outline |
This paper researches the possibilities of using a strategic approach for the purpose of determining the vision of a city's development, how to choose the variant of the city's development vision, and its implementation. |
Abstract |
This paper is devoted to examining the possibilities of making use of the strategic approach in creating a vision of the city development. Three basic issues are formulated in the paper. The first of them is researching the possibilities of use of the strategic approach for this purpose. The second issue is determining the vision of the city development. Whereas, the third issue is a choice of a variant of the city development vision and its implementation. Strategic approach. The use of the strategic approach in problems connected with city development requires the presentation of a city in a simplified way. For this purpose, the city is presented in the form of a spatial structure. The strategic approach is a long-term approach. Hence, the spatial structure of the city must be future, visionary structure. Applying the strategic approach in creating a vision of development of the spatial structure of the city, we affect the choice of the right direction of the city development. Vision of city development. The use of the strategic approach in creating a vision of the city spatial structure development requires a preparation of variants of the future city development. These variants refer to the present spatial city structure. They include, to some extent, the visionary elements. Three such variants have been prepared: from extrapolative, through the transitional, to the most visionary. The choice of the city development variant. Three criteria of choice were applied in the choice of the variant: economic, necessities and resources. For applying these three criteria a procedure of variant choice was used. The visionary variant was found the most advantageous. The above three issues were expanded in six parts of the paper. In the first part the strategic approach was characterized. This approach consists of four phases, preceded with an initial phase and finished with a closing phase. In the second part, a category of the spatial structure of the city was introduced. This structure was determined for the exemplary city. In the third part, the spatial structure of the city was examined using the SWOT analysis. The results of this analysis served as the premises for creation of the vision of the city development. In the fourth part, three variants of the vision of the city development were determined, in the shape of spatial structure. These are extrapolative, transitional and visionary variants. They concern 30-year, future period. In the fifth part, three variants of the city development were considered. The choice was made using three criteria: economic, necessities and resources. In the sixth part, the conditions of implementation of the chosen variant of the visionary development of the city spatial structure were presented. In the final part the conclusions concerning the three issues were presented: strategic approach, determining a vision and a variant choice. The paper includes text, tables and illustrations.
Keywords |
New vision of Częstochowa |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2007: Urban Trialogues
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